Example With ChatTTS

An example of generating audio using the ChatTTS tool, RFWave enables STFT Loss

ChatTTS + Vocos
ChatTTS + RFWave

(1) prompt: 他冲到马路对面,回到办公室,厉声吩咐秘书不要打扰他,然后抓起话筒,刚要拨通家里的电话,临时又变了卦。

(2) prompt: 若不是他在面包房附近又碰到那群批斗篷的人,他早就把他们忘了。

(3) prompt: 这个小老头打了个趔趄,差点儿摔倒。“对不起。”德思礼先生嘟哝说。

(4) prompt: 他心乱如麻,连忙朝自己的汽车跑过去,开车回家。他希望这一切只是幻象,他从来没有幻想过什么,因为他根本不赞同幻想。

(5) prompt: 微风拂动着女贞路两旁整洁的树篱,街道在漆黑的天空下寂静无声,一尘不染,谁也不会想到这里会发生骇人听闻的事情。

(6) prompt: He dashed back across the road, hurried up to his office, snapped at his secretary not to disturb him, seized his telephone, and had almost finished dialing his home number when he changed his mind.

(7) prompt: He'd forgotten all about the people in cloaks until he passed a group of them next to the baker's.

(8) prompt: "Sorry," he grunted, as the tiny old man stumbled and almost fell.

(9) prompt: He was rattled. He hurried to his car and set off for home, hoping he was imagining things, which he had never hoped before, because he didn't approve of imagination.

(10) prompt: A breeze ruffled the neat hedges of Privet Drive, which lay silent and tidy under the inky sky, the very last place you would expect astonishing things to happen.